Get AMPed

Partner with Andy Malhan Photography

Screenshot of brochure
Screenshot of brochure
Screenshot of brochure

Get AMPed

Who am I?

I’m a professional portrait photographer. I’ve been shooting portraits for 15 years, and love showing people how amazing they look.

I am skilled at posing people to look their best, making them comfortable in front of a camera and ensuring the photo shoot is fun and stress free.

My customers are often surprised by how comfortable they become, and how amazing they look, when I make photos of them. In several cases, my clients have been inspired by the photos I have made, and have actually gone on to have careers as models!

Essentially what I do is make people feel better about themselves.

Who are you?

You run a business that makes people feel better about themselves. Maybe the way they look, maybe the way they feel, the way they act, maybe the way they dress, regardless of what your exact business is, it’s goal is to make people feel excited about themselves.

Why partner together?

Almost as a rule, my clients tend towards self-improvement. They are usually highly motivated to be better, stronger, faster, more intellectual, more successful et cetera. If you’re reading this, the same is true for your business.

Your clients come to you because you make them feel good. They come to me for the same reason. When people feel good about themselves, they are inspired to do new and better things.

If we can accelerate and accentuate that process, our customers will associate us with their success, and that is good for everyone!

Ours is a natural partnership.

How does it work?

It is quite simple, you help promote me and I’ll help promote you.

The first thing to do, is for us to schedule a portrait shoot for you. I'll make stunning portrait photos of you, and if you like, also of your business. You can now use professional imagery for your promotional purposes.

This shoot is free for you.

I want you to be comfortable with the experience of working with me, and confident in the quality of my work. Because only then will you be confident to recommend me to your customers.

Second, I request that you prominently display a few of the photographs from the shoot in your place of business.

Third, I will give you some information brochures that explain our partnership to your customers. This brochure will inform them of the benefits and discounts they are eligible for from me, because they are your customer. Please display these prominently at your place of business.

The special discount is a stackable 20% discount. This means if they take, for example, a silver package, which allows for a 10% discount on standard rates, they can add the voucher to get an additional 20% off. If I am running, for example a Valentine’s Day special, where I am offering a discount of (say) 20%, they can use their voucher (see below) to get an additional 20% discount on that. It is a very generous deal!

Finally, I will give you special discount vouchers that you give your paying customers. This voucher is what gives them the discount. I will custom design these for your business, so it will contain your branding, not mine, and will therefore be a gift from you to your customers.

No obligations!

Sitting fees are completely waived, so your clients only pay for what they buy. My packages start from €400, but they don't even have to purchase a package, they could just buy 1 image for €100 (less 20% because of your gift voucher).

They are not obligated to buy anything.

Of course, this means that theoretically, they could leave without paying me a cent. I could do the shoot, they may not choose any of the images, and they are free to leave, with no obligation. I'll still put their images on a password protected gallery and will enable the online store so if they choose to, they can buy images later (but with no discount). The gallery will be online for a year. I call this Andy's Amazing Risk-Free Guarantee.

Extra bonuses!

I will give you a handful of 50% vouchers. These are for you to distribute however you like. Friends, family, special customers, it’s totally up to you.

For the duration of our agreement, any photography requirements that you have for your business, will attract a 50% discount on my fees. Also, printing and framing charges will be at cost. Once a year, I'm also delighted to do a complimentary family photoshoot for you and your immediate family.

I want to be very clear that I have no intention of making money from YOU, or your business. Through this partnership. I would like to help you with your photography requirements and in return, get special visibility and access to your customers. I seek to make money from THEM.